When should I teach my kids about speed reading?
Several of the techniques we teach in speed reading courses, are just removing bad habits that people have developed since learning to read. It is preferable to avoid these bad habits in the first place. As children learn to read they can be guided to acquire speed reading techniques naturally.
The Right Habits
When learning to read in school, children usually point at the words with their fingers. This is a recognised Speed Reading technique. Encourage them to keep doing this and just make a minor tweak of moving to a slender pointing device like a pencil. The distance they hold or support the book can be prescribed from the outset. As they get more proficient they can start to take in groups of words. Never push, just allow them to develop at their own pace. Gently steer them in the right direction so they are developing good habits rather than bad ones.
The Right Environment
Children learn by copying so it is important to model what you want to encourage. Read widely yourself and with your children. Help them discover and developed a love for books. Kindles, iPads and other reading devices and apps are fine, but no substitute for the emotional and physical connection you get with a physical book. Amazon only gives suggestions based on what you have viewed already. It doesn’t help you to stumble across books that you may come to love. Visit libraries and bookshops with your son or daughter. Let them experience the lovely feel and smell of new books and the vast variety of authors, genres, fictional and factual titles available on the shelves. A trip to a big city bookshop or library can be a day out.
Involve the School
A big part of growing up, especially when approaching teenage years, is fitting in with your circle of friends. No one likes to feel different. If you’re the only one pointing at your book with a pencil you can feel self-conscious and the odd one out.
Start a conversation with your child’s teacher. Let him or her know what you’re doing. If you’ve been on a course share the notes. Show them books which detail the techniques. Explain what you do personally to double or treble your own speed. Remember Tony Buzan is a recognised name in education in almost every country so it is likely that the teacher will at least have heard of him. They will therefore be open to listen and may even introduce techniques to the whole class. Teachers will generally be very pleased to be up-to-date with recent information on how to be the most effective learner. Education should be a collaboration and partnership between teachers and parents. Whilst in school the teacher is “in loco parentis” Latin for "in the place of a parent", but kids learn as much from a home environment as a school one.
In summary – Teach your children from the outset. Don’t be too pushy – let them acquire the techniques at their own pace. They will copy your behaviour so be an effective and voracious reader as a good role model. Expose your children to sources of books, be that shops or libraries and involve your child’s school teachers and your parents’ networks. You don’t have to do this alone. Good luck!